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Festival Music Video Highlights Part I: London Independent Film Festival

Five of my personal favourites from the London Independent Film Festival music video event. However cool I try to play it, having my video for John Anealio's "Steampunk Girl" screened alongside these songs and videos was absolutely awesome.

"In Our Band" (Kentish Fire) Hilarious idea, clever lyrics, cool 360-degree video. "Dolphin Man" (Louise Gold) Beautiful song - and just watch and enjoy the story of this video. "Taste It" (Little Boots) This Little Boots track has a dark side and the video is not for the faint hearted. "All I'm Saying" (James) Superb, atmospheric animation for this melancholy James song. All I'm saying is, bring some tissues. "Lady Doctor" (The J. Evans Band) Funny, and also not entirely politically correct.


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